In the grand scheme of life, it's easy to get caught up in awe over the supernatural. Angels, miracles, and signs grab our attention because they feel like tangible evidence of something greater. But in the book of Hebrews, we’re reminded of an essential truth: as incredible as angels might seem, Jesus is far greater. It's not even close. Angels are amazing, but they are created beings—servants of Jesus—while He is the eternal Son of God.
You see, angels have always had a fascinating role in history. They were messengers, protectors, and sometimes even warriors. But Hebrews 1:4-14 tells us that Jesus is superior in every way. He isn’t just another angelic being or spiritual figure; He is God with skin on. He’s the radiance of God’s glory, the exact representation of His being. That’s a truth that should completely change how we see Him. When the Bible says that Jesus is the heir of all things and the one who sustains the universe, it’s pointing to something profound. He’s not a distant figure, but someone intimately involved in every detail of our lives. From holding the cosmos together to caring about your Monday morning, Jesus is in control. And that control isn’t just as a powerful angelic force—it’s the authority of God Himself. Sometimes, though, we get tempted to think of Jesus as a great teacher or a powerful being but not fully grasp that He is God. That’s a subtle trick the enemy uses to try and diminish Jesus’ status in our hearts. The world may present Jesus as just a prophet or a wise leader, but He’s so much more. His name is above all names, and He alone deserves our worship. What’s more, the angels worship Jesus. The book of Revelation paints a picture of angels gathered around the throne, singing “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain.” If even the angels are bowing down before Him, shouldn’t we be doing the same? Too often, we get distracted by lesser things—things that might be good but aren’t God. Jesus is the one who deserves our full attention and adoration. In practical terms, this means our worship, our focus, and our lives should be centered on Jesus. When we wake up in the morning, our first thought should be of Him. When we face challenges, we should lean on His eternal authority. And when life is good, we should thank Him for being the source of our joy. The truth is, Jesus is not just greater than the angels—He’s greater than anything in our lives that we could turn to for hope or comfort. Angels are amazing, yes. But they are servants of the One who truly deserves all the honor and glory. So, the next time you find yourself in awe of the supernatural, remember that Jesus is far more powerful and awe-inspiring. He’s the Creator, the Judge, and the one who holds all things together. And the most amazing part? He loves you personally. That’s why Jesus is the One we worship. - Adapted from sermons preached across our 3 campuses on 9/22/24.
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