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The Enneagram (ennea = 9, gram = diagram) is a map for personal growth that identifies the 9 basic ways of relating to and perceiving the world. It accurately describes why you think, feel and behave in particular ways based upon your Core Motivations. Understanding the Enneagram is able to give you more self-awareness, forgiveness, and compassion for yourself and others.
As leaders, we lead better when we know ourselves better and know the people in our group better. You may find it helpful to begin to think through the different personalities in your group. The goal isn't to perfectly identify the personality type of each person in your group, but to begin to think about them as people with unique personalities and strengths. Recognizing the differences and similarities in your group members should help you facilitate better conversations and aid in caring for your group.
As leaders, we lead better when we know ourselves better and know the people in our group better. You may find it helpful to begin to think through the different personalities in your group. The goal isn't to perfectly identify the personality type of each person in your group, but to begin to think about them as people with unique personalities and strengths. Recognizing the differences and similarities in your group members should help you facilitate better conversations and aid in caring for your group.
We think Christians should use the Enneagram—if they find value in it—provided they always keep in mind that the Enneagram (like other personality assessments) is simply a tool. It is ONLY Jesus that brings true transformation in our lives.